Welcome to the Hoodview Amateur Radio Club Web Site!
Request a meeting invite here!
Repeater Frequencies
2 meter : 147.28 + .6 MHz PL Tone : 167.9 Hz
440 MHz : 443.475 + 5 MHz PL Tone : 167.9 Hz
Mt Hebo: 443.075 + 5 MHz PL Tone : 167.9 Hz
Simplex Frequencies
147.48 MHz OR 147.52 MHz
Club Nets
Information Net:
2 meter FM : 147.28 + 0.6 MHz Wednesday evening at 7:30pm
70 CM: 443.475 + 5 MHz Wednesday evening at 7:45 pm
Sunday Evening Social Net:
70 CM: 443.475 + 5 MHz Sunday evening at 7:30 pm
If you are interested in finding out more about our club check out this site and feel free to call or e-mail any of our club officers.
If you are interested in becoming an Amateur Radio Operator, that’s great! You might like to have your questions answered by someone who is just a little further along this road than you AND You’ll just have to check this link: HOW TO GET STARTED in HAM RADIO !
Hoodview Offers a Scholarship at Mt Hood Community College!
Check out what you need to know if you are going to take a test!